Wednesday, June 27, 2007

June 08, 2007 - Birthday wishes

Today Danielita received her first Birthday Card in the mail, I can't remember from this photo if it was from her great grandma Betty, or from her grandparents Terri and Kim, in either case, she absolutetly loved it :)

"What is this??"

"I love it mommy!"

" Don't eat what?'"

"Oh, the card! Silly mama! why I never...'

" Ok, maybe just a taste"

"Oooh! 4 Squares should be on TV by now.."

Diego really does love books, this is not a posed photo :P

" How do you work this thing?"

"No.. that's not it.."

"Hello? 4 Squares??"

June Days4, 2007

Fun at the park! What can I say, we really did have fun, so I took a lot of photos ;)

It's so good to see them enjoying them selves in the sunshine ;)

She is a good slide climber!

'What do you mean we are going home??'

' Ah Man!'

I was really dreading giving this table and chairs back to Ella, Diego and Jerry had claimed it for their own.

This is Jerry, Diego's Dinosaur, he comes with us for a lot of adventures.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

June Days3, 2007

The funniest thing happened when we were at the park with Aileen and Jen. After they left and I was still there waiting for Darius to come and pick us up after work, Diego was standing behind an older man and then he made a yucky face and came running at me saying ' Mama! It's stinks! it's blegh! yuck! ew!'. I knew the poor old man had probably passed gas, I felt so bad for him so to try to cover it up, I asked Diego, ' Did you poop?', and the little monkey pointed at the old man and said ' No mama, he did!'. Oh, the poor old guy and I wanted to die, I was so embarrassed for him.. Luckily Darius showed up at that moment and we our chance to escape.

Here my Danielita was trying to see how much gravel she could swallow before I would stop her ;)

Sunday, June 24, 2007

June Days- 2, 2007

My neighbours and friends, ;) they keep me sane, I love them

He is still the cutiest boy from next door

Later that afternoon after my two refused to sleep, we were off to the park with Jen and Aileen and their munchkins, didn't I say they keep me sane???

MMM.... mama watch me eat sand