Thursday, September 29, 2005
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
SEPT27.2005 Diego eats cake
Today a good friend of the family was coming over, Derek! While waiting for him to get to the house, Diego played with his Weebles, and then played some tunes on his drum.
It was one of the best days of Diego's life! He got to ride on Derek's bike!
He got to hang out with his old man.
He got to eat some cake!
And best of all he got to wear big shoes!!
Posted by
Diana Jiron Graff
2:06 PM
Monday, September 26, 2005
SEPT26.2005 Diego & Sammy
Today we went to our community Centre to play with Sammy! Diego had so much fun trying all the new toys out and I had a blast watching him enjoy him self.
Sammy and Diego put on a drama show for us, they called it "We are pooped out, take us home"
We walked with Sammy and Gillian afterwards to the duck pond, where I got this photo of the two gorgeous young men.
Then we went on our own to the playground nearby, this playground was the first one that Diego had ever gone to.
Diego was so proud to be able to climb the stairs at the slide on his own :)
Posted by
Diana Jiron Graff
1:50 PM
Sunday, September 25, 2005
SEPT25.2005 Jeet & Meet's Birthday!
Today we went to Jeet and Meet's birthday party! Diego had so much fun, he ate cake, goodies and got to play with the twin's birthday gifts. Jeet and Meet looked so adorable! I am so happy that we could make it.
Posted by
Diana Jiron Graff
1:45 PM
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Swimming Day with Daddy! SEPT24. 2005
Today was Diego's 1st swimming lesson! He had so much fun.
Then we went to Isabela's day care for a fund raiser, that was fun too.
Pancakes for dinner! yum yum!
Posted by
Diana Jiron Graff
12:17 PM
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Diego & Lucas, SEPT20. 2005
Diego knew we had company coming over so being the good boy that he is he decided to help out with the dishes.
Lucas is such a cutie and a very sweet little boy too, too bad they are moving away to Flordia * sniff * but they will be back, I hope..
Posted by
Diana Jiron Graff
12:03 PM
Monday, September 19, 2005
Diego & PooToo, SEPT19. 2005
Diego was mama's little helper today, helping out to put the groceries away, helping out with the swipping and PooToo got into the cleaning too ... there was some chicken on the floor to be cleaned off.
Posted by
Diana Jiron Graff
7:21 PM
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Playdate at Kim and Jody's, SEPT18.2005
In the afternoon we went to Kim's and our friends came too, Amy with her baby Tavia and Laura with Isabela. It was sooooo much fun, Diego got a black eye out of it though, he ran into their couch while running around it, he was being chased by Tavia or he was chasing Tavia we don't know they were both just running around it laughing hysterically they put on such a show, we all had tears in our eyes from laughing so hard at them, mean while Jody was just watching them and watching tv, I think they bored her ;) , ok here are the photos.. he got lots of hugs from Jody and a few kisses from Isabela.
Then that night we got a suprised visit from our friends Amy and Lucas! Diego had fun showing Lucas his boing boings, he wasn't too pleased about sharing them though.. hehe what a cutie Lucas is.
Posted by
Diana Jiron Graff
11:27 AM