Sunday, October 21, 2007
Monday, October 01, 2007
July 09, 2007 - Checking out the train
After the beach we stopped at a rail road station.
ESPANOL: Despues de la playa nos detuvimos en una estacion vieja de trenes, es un tipo museo, a Dieguito le gusto mucho pero Danielita y yo ya andabamos muy cansadas..
Posted by
Diana Jiron Graff
3:13 PM
Summer Days 2007
These photos from the day my inlaws arrived, Diego was so excited! Danielita was a bit more timid...
ESPANOL: Estas fotos son del dia que vinieron a visitarnos mis suegros, Dieguito estaba tan emocionado, pero Danielita se porto un poco penosa...
pss This will be the only photo that I post of my inlaws, so they don't get mad at me, I just had to show this moment off, it was so sweet, Darius was so happy to have his parents, he even went back in time and ended up calling Diego, ' Fin' ( his brother's name ) very cute eh?
pss: Esta es la unica foto de mis suegros que voy a poner, no se vayan a enojar, tenia q' enseƱar este momento, Darius estaba tan emocionado de tener a sus padres aqui, que hasta se confundio y llamo a Dieguito ' Fin' , ese el nombre de su hermanito, pobre
Mi Danielita y yo
Mi mama y Danielita
Posted by
Diana Jiron Graff
5:11 AM