Monday, May 28, 2007

May 24th and 25th - Still stuck at home

May 24, 2007 - Still sick..

Here we were still stuck at home... Danielita was still very sick at this point, not that you can tell from her photos, she always tries so hard to be happy.

Diego saw me going through his birthday presents and he needed to put this outfit on right away. Here is he modeling it for the camera, he also was doing a funky little dance with the modeling.

Danielita saw me unloading the dishwasher and ran over ( crawled over) to help! she was so cute, she kept pulling things out and handing them to me with a huge smile, ofcourse everything she touched had to be washed again, but who cares, I got some great shots of her! sooo sweet, my little helper.

May 25, 2007 - still sick..

She wasn't sleeping any way, so I decided to take some photos, this week she has been sleeping and napping with this Dora doll, the doll is very soft and she is in love with it. She calls it baby or mama, and holds her against her cheek, it's the sweetest thing ever. I love that she is getting attached to dollies and stuffed animals.

First of all let me say thank you to my inlaws for getting us this ' Moon Sand ' so I won't sound so ungreatful, and then let me tell you! it's hell to clean up!!! so don't buy it just yet for your little ones, I swear he even had it in his diaper! and it's still in his high chair. Having said all that, he had so much fun and it kept him busy for a while. ;) Oh and what ever fell in the floor, I wasn't fast enough to clean it up, Daniela ate more than I like to admit of it, aparently is not toxic.. unless you count floresent yellow poop as toxic.

This was so funny, Diego ran into the kitchen and said ' I have glasses too!' I turned around and this is what I saw, hehehe, I made him pose for me for this photo.

Playing together with the toy kitchen. So I guess my week wasn't so bad after all, there were some good times ;) thanks to my babies.

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